How to change your thought process in 3 easy steps?

Rewrite & Relive
2 min readMar 9, 2022

It might seem easy to change an individual’s thought process, but in reality, it is a difficult task. We often get stuck in the same patterns of thinking, feeling, and behavior. We are accustomed to overthinking every situation before taking any action or making any decision. This can create a sense of paralysis and prevents us from moving forward with the change we wish to make in our lives.

It is easy to say that if you want to change your life, then think positively. Set the goals and take action. Forgive others and focus on self-improvement. On social media platforms, we can find tonnes of motivational speakers and writers imposing such opinions. After lingering around motivational speeches and writings, we feel motivated, but for a short period. However, making things happen and sustaining them is tricky if the motivation is not coming from within.

However, with dedication and effort, it is possible to break through this cycle of negative thought patterns and open up new opportunities for growth. Through nurturing self-awareness, developing healthy habits, and challenging our assumptions, we can learn how to reshape our thought patterns so that they can lead us toward success instead of holding us back.

Changing your mindset is the key to changing your life is an absolute fact. It may appear like a cliche, but the only key to happiness. A growth mindset can be rebuilt at any stage of life. A correct mindset can turn a college dropout into a successful entrepreneur and a dyslexic person into a best-selling author. We just need to know a straightforward way to change our thought process. Here are the 3 easy steps to change your beliefs and live a happy life.

1. Be aware of current thoughts

Humans are great thinkers. Our thinking power makes us stand out, different from the other living beings on the planet. However, overthinking and thinking in the same pattern can make our life miserable. Hence breaking the loop of pessimistic thoughts can make a room for new and positive ideas. For example, our unpleasant experiences from the past forge strong negative beliefs in our minds, and we tend to recall and respond to the present circumstances based on those sentiments. We follow this pattern as a habit. Hence, to build a powerful positive mindset, we need to identify our thinking practices. It is time to be vigilant about our habits to get angry, brooding, depressed, and losing interest easily. Once we recognize the pattern of our thoughts, it will be better to understand what needs to be changed. By journaling your thoughts daily, you can be aware of your thought cycle.

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Rewrite & Relive

Rewrite your Mind & Relive your Life. Public Health Nutrition Specialist | Emergency Medicine | Youtuber | Blogger| Foodie| Traveler